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- Written by: Michael
Does evidence mean anything these days? If I had rock-solid, easy-to-understand evidence that the Earth is flat, would you believe it? Would you even consider it or evaluate it? I'm not saying the Earth is flat. I'm just using the idea as a "what if" example. The Earth is clearly a sphere, a giant blue marble in space, end of story. But, what if I really had irrefutable evidence about something unbelievable, something 180 degrees opposite of what you have always known to be true? Could you allow yourself to believe it after a thorough evaluation? For context, I'm not talking about small truths, I'm referring to life-altering truths. A few examples would include,
- Is there really a God, did he send his son Jesus to die for our sins, and was he resurrected on the third day?
- Are we really on the cusp of the Rapture and the Tribulation?
- Is the Great Reset real and will it likely lead to human slavery for the majority of people in the world?
- Should we trust that our governments and the mainstream media are telling the truth and that they have our country's best interests in mind?
Would you be willing to throw away whatever you believed previously and accept a new explanation that has proven to be true without a shadow of a doubt? Could you do it?
Read more: John 9 - Are Humans More Open To The Truth in 2022 Than During Biblical Times?

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- Written by: Michael
On July 13-15, 2022 Joe Biden will make his first visit to Israel as President of the United States. While he is there he will obviously meet with the Israeli leaders, but he's doing something else that is unprecedented as well. Biden will reportedly meet with Mahmoud Abbas who is the President of the Palestinian Authority and he will meet with them in the Palestinian area of control. No sitting U.S. President has ever traveled to Palestine. Now the meeting will be in Bethlehem, instead of Ramallah, the Palestinian Authority's seat of power, but still, what might Biden hope to accomplish? The easy guess is Biden will do something foolish, just like he normally does, but could it be worse than that?

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- Written by: Michael
Quick question. Are you holding on for the Rapture or living each day as a witness in ways that will help bring others to Christ? Shouldn't this be the question we need to ask ourselves every day? Read on if you want to know more.
Read more: What To Do When It's Not Time For The Rapture Mountain Top?

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- Written by: Michael
Revelation 6 begins the explanation of the seven seal judgments. The First Seal (Revelation 6:1-2) reveals the Antichrist in disguise. He is portrayed as a rider on a white horse, meaning he is impersonating our savior, Jesus. In the Second Seal (Revelation 6:3-4) the Antichrist begins to reveal his true nature as a fiery red horse is revealed. With the Third Seal, the horse changes to black, indicating the wars and killing are set to begin. However, only when the Fourth Seal is opened does life on the earth becomes truly disastrous.
When he opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!” 8 And I looked, and behold, a pale horse! And its rider's name was Death, and Hades followed him. And they were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts of the earth. Revelation 6:7-8 ESV (emphasis added)
Over one-fourth of the population of the earth is killed. That would be more than 1.5 billion people who are killed by the Fourth Seal. How is that even possible?
Read more: Does the COVID-19 Vaccine Cause the Fourth Seal Judgment in Revelation 6?

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- Written by: Michael
If you thought 2020 was bad, what do you think about 2021 so far? Situations and events are changing so fast these days that it is challenging to keep up. The world we live in today is very different than it was in January 2020. COVID-19 opened the door to tyranny in many countries and those who had the desire to inflict tyranny on others walked ran through the door without looking back. Suddenly it was incumbent upon the elites and leaders of the world to "save us, citizens, from ourselves" and they did that by mandating lockdowns that accomplished everything except slowing the spread of COVID-19. When the COVID situation improved, many of the leaders declined to end the lockdowns. Instead, they moved the goalposts because it was too soon and still not safe. Now the citizens of the world are told we should just get used to wearing a mask or even two masks, even if we have taken the vaccination.
So, let me ask you this. Are the elites and leaders of the world really concerned with well being of their citizens? It sure doesn't look like it. Anytime you hear someone asks the question "When is everything going to get back to normal," what is your answer? Do you respond with the current stock answer "sometime later this year," or do you tell them the truth? What is the truth? The truth is simple. The world is NEVER going to return to the way it was in January 2020 or before. Keep reading because you need to know why.
Read more: Part 3 - What's Next for Christians; Rapture, Prepping or Persecution?

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- Written by: Michael
Where are we in the prophetic end-times timeline? Are the Rapture and the Tribulation right around the corner? Maybe, but it's hard to say since Jesus was very clear in Matthew 24:36 that nobody knows the day or the hour when events such as the Rapture will occur. Although, Jesus also said in Matthew 16:1-3 that we should be able to interpret the sign of the times, or we'll say the season. Many watchers, including me, believe we are in the season of Rapture and shortly thereafter the beginning of the Tribulation. So many events are occurring that is impossible to dismiss the signs for those who are willing to look.
My question for you in this series is simple. Are you prepared for Rapture, Survival, or Persecution?
Read more: Part 2 - What's Next for Christians; Rapture, Prepping or Persecution?